XX ! Welcome To my Site ! XX
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Heya peeps! I'm Harri, and this is my site! its got loads of cool stuff on it includin pages of funny photo's and cool stuff :D

I called my site tigeressence cos i love tigers and essence is the name of the surf board i wanna buy lol, + it has a cool ring to it :D

Have fun and enjoy the site :0)


So Wots New?

So wots nu? urm.. theres a games page which is sorta working now but i stil cant put my very own games on ther which i made :D(dollmker, and hammers) but the others are way cool to! :0) and theres been lots of updates done like in the writing all over the site and i have updated my home page as you can see :0)

My M8's Photo page has changed :D with lots of new faces on there including a relii weird picture of sammz and tom :P they're normal i swear!!

I'm thinking of adding some more pages, and getting my corkboard up and running :0) so thats sumthing to look out for!

Also i have added some more reliiii cool games! like HAPPY PILLS!!

Have fun surfing the new site :0)

Xx Harri xX

Sotally Tober

Starkle starkle little twink
who the hell you are I think
I'm not under what you call
the alcofluence of incohol
I'm just a little slort of sheep
I'm not drunk like tinkle peep
I don't know who is me yet
but the drunker I stand here
the longer I get
Just give me one more drink
to fill me cup
'cuz I got all day sober
to Sunday up.

New Stuff

If you want to send in any pictures to be on the site then simply clik the link below nd email me :0) You can send in things you think i can do better on the site, pictures, celebs, games, and just in general new ideas :D

Mail me


A new employee joins the Company, and is required to have a
password setup for his computer. The boss directed a secretary
to setup the password for him.

The secretary asks the man for the password. The man, attempting
to embrass the secretary in order to show superiority, said,

Blushed, the secretary inputted the password Penis, and re-typed
it again. Then she hit enter.

The whole office heard the secretary bursting out of laughters
as a reaction from the computer's screen:

"Password rejected. Reason: Too short"

R.I.P Dafnee

Send me stuff - Cos i like email :0)

Email Me Wit Stuff!!

Do u Have Msn? Add Me = windsweptsnowdog@hotmail.com :D