*** Cool Linx ***
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Heres All My Cool Linx!!

Below Is my favourite links press on them and visit the sites, if you would like your site to be here then just mail me !! :D

Tis very cool picture, dont you agree? lol have fun looking at all the siteys :)

~* Favourite Linx *~

This is a reliii cool game site :D lol the best games are the surfing ones and pretty much alll of the new ones taking the piss outa politicians and stuff

Surfwax! This is a reli cool site which is all about surfing :D its class, has lotsa stuff too look at and buy and great graphics:)
E-messanger This is a reli cool site where you can use msn without actually downloading it :) all you need is an email account etc :) its gr8 to use in skoool :D
Acid Play

Fantastic website, download loadsa cooool games :D ones to try are icey tower, and permenant daylight :)

~* Mates Webbys *~
Hana's Site This is my macbeth partner in crime's fantastic webby :D
Doms Site

This is my m8 doms site :) and i know theres a lot of pictures of zoe on there.. but NO its not a lezbian obsession :P

Yeorgias Site This is me m8 gigz's site :) Again, there is a class piccie of zoggz on here!!!
Julies Site This is my m8s jules's site :) sum coool pics of her horsie on here :D lol

