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My m8's :D

Here are some pictures of all my m8s :D

Dis is adam :)

Dis Is my BEST m8 Libby :P

Dis is my m8 Dan Graham :P

This is Jay :P


A ratha scary bri!

Sammz and Tom !!

My Best M8 Charlie :)

Dis is Brad J

Dis is Emillie

My poking buddy luke :D

Dis is Dave V Lol!!

This is Alex Fewings (Haha!)

This is my m8 Jenny :D

A very tanned George!

My Amazing m8 BEN!!!

Leah and Amy lol!

Dis is Dom!!

Dis is Arran!

Dis is Matt

Jason Hickson

Smellanie Mooore!

Lukes Tatoo Lol

Dis is Chris

Luke (top right) and Kim (middle bottom!)

Adam Matt and Peter :D

Dis is jules and brodie!

Jack!!!! - (thnx sarah!!!)


My fab mate GREENY!


Wots up! Not all the pics are finished yet