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Fav Celebs :0)

Here are all the best Celebs in zee world, as you can see there are lots of rock bands and some actors. Btw they're not in any particular order so dont asume i like muniz more than ville valo!


Guns'N'Roses are possibly the greatest rok band in the world :D They have many coooool songs including sweet child o mine (my fav) and novemba rain (brads fav hehe) dey are cooool!!! They are like a classic rock band nad are not quite so heavy as all da ovas but it still rules :0)

P.S Da one wit da bandana is Axel Roses hu is da cooooooolest


He is possibly one of the greatest and most talanted actors adn rokas in da world, he has been in loadsa gr8 film and has had loadsa cool hits wit his band TENACIOUS D!! For more info on him see my Jack Black Tribute Page!

Frankie Muniz!

Frankie muniz funny lol now i no loadsa ppl wil disagree here but the onli reason i like him is cos i used to watch him in loadsa things wen i was younger as he co-starred in a lot of films and stuff and i think he has acting potential my fav thing tht he was in was malcom in the middle :0)

Ville Valo!

Ville Valo is the main dude in HIM hwo are an awsome rok band :0) reli reli reli good :0) they along with all da ova bands on here are my favs :0) the music HIM does is reli cool, quite heavy ... and the symbol of villes (and hims!)is the "heartogram" which came frm the devils phone no. (666) and then his song sweet 666... and there was a whole little patterny thingy ^.^

* H.I.M *

I figured that if i did a tribute to ville valo i would have to put his band on here to :0) His band are the best, they have relli good songs and a lot of cover songs, there best (a ton avis) are the sacrement, your sweet 666, solitary man (chris's fav!) and thts it !! all da ovas are reli good tho :0)

The Rasmus!

The rasmus are like the "in thing" atm cos of there latest song (in the shadows) but only becasue its been on TOTP lol hehe, but i was interested in them b4 every1 else like was into them.. wow dnt i sound like a spoilt lil kid :P hehe but no htey are supremely talented and there onli ova FANTASTIC song (all the ovas are gud but not fantastic!) has got to be 2first day of my life" even though "funeral song" is good lol... oh heck just buy the album "dead letters" heheh :0) !!


Evanessance is a reli cool.. FEMALE rok singer! She is fantastic and has had her most famous hit with "bring me to life2 thnku lee.. *rolls eyes* but she is reli talented adn has a cool and original style :)

Breed 77

Yes i no anova rok band :0) hehe, but they are sooooo good i went to a concert of theres and they were fantastic it was mainly a gig for noob bands but breed77 were there warming up the crowds but the yroked :0) they were reli good !! there best song is "rise" and "the river" is awesome to!! m/ go listen its fantastic!

Hugh Jackman

This is the cool dude Hugh Jackman, who is in the l8est film Van Helsing which is gr8 and wen it comes out you alll must see it becos it is less scary thn the adverts but stil reli good.... hugh has not onli been in Van Helsing but he also played Wolverine in X-Men which i rlei liked loaddddss :0) hes cool!

Johnny Depp

Hmmm this is the guy that a majority of my friends fancy and i cant for the life of me think why 8-) ville valo is wayy cooler :P but this johnny depp dude is quite good.. acting and all tht... urmm... he's recently been in "Secret window" but one of his best films is "blow" o and i love his jewlery!!

Sean william-scott

Sean is by far one of the funniest dudes i hav ever seen in films.. next to jim carrey he is a legend ;0) wotever film he is in be it.. "welcome to the jungle" or "evolution" he adds his own touch and makes the film far better :0)

Jim Carrey!

Possibly one of the funniest men of all time! He's great and i get confused on why many of my friends think i act a lot like him :P Some of teh films he's been in are Dumb and Dumber (classic) Me myself and irene (brilliant!) Ace Ventura, and the best - the mask! they are all hilarious and he adds his own style to each and every1 of them :0)

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton is one of the most versatile actors i have ever seen, he can do stoopid (dude wheres my car) extremly funny (just married) and dramatic and upset (the butterfly effect) i think he is ammmaaazzinnnnng! i love him in all the films he's done, my favourites being Just married, and the butterfly effeect :0) He rules, and he's fit ;) BUT not as fit as brad :P


Nickelback are an amazing band with loadsa cool songs :0) There best songs i rekon are on there album "the long road" all the ones on there are relii good, especially feel to damn good tht song rocks :0) i think these ppl have a great singing voice nd are reli gd to listen too :0)


These are my fav celebs.. bored? go here :0)