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Optical illusions!

Here is a page of really cool optical illusions for you to look at and ponder ova :0) some are reli funny others are just cool :0)

Typical Guy :P

Whats Reli on a guys mind!! lol what do you see when you look at this picture, the naked woman or the man lol, or both ( a kinda mixture :S ) ??

What do you see ?

Again which do you see, the jazz musician player or the pretty woman? I see the jazz player with his sax :0)

Personal Fav

This is great, took me a while to figure it out!, do you see the words liar... or a mans face ( move head around ) ?? :0) Tis great!!


How many legs does this elephant have?? :P


This is a really cool one do you see one big man, or 2 ppl standing unda an arch?? .. i see the ppl :S


Wot do you see? A rabbit or a duck ?? i see a duck :D


Do you see the old hag with the hooked nose or the pretty woman!?? I see the pretty gurl :0)


More coming soon :D