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Here are some more piccies of my mates :)

Some of these were taken like on skool trips or like jus randomly, soo enjoy! lol p.s all the gurls on here sey, "ive got msn if u wnt it" 8-)


This is the ever so luvly pip, surrounded by guys 8-) p.s she pulled the one on the right of her for a dare (she wnted me to put tht :S )


Dis is Hannah, rach and katie... nt quite sure where they are or wot there doing but hay!


This is my mate "annonamous" and her sis.. i call her anon cos if she sees this she WILL kill me.. so im comprimising :P


This is a ratha depressed looking dean lol! I have worse pics than this dean so count urself lucky ;)


Dis is one of my blandford mates sammi, aka sammz :)

Squashy Pants!

This is joshua snow, my frend christinas boyfrend :) Hehe hes dutch and reliii cool :P Again, plllzzz dnt tell any1 this pic is on here :P

Tom, LOL!

Lol this is my m8 tom :) yer yer, we've herd all the hair bear bunch jokes b4 :P .. im interested.. any1 got any suggestions for a new hair cut idea ;)


Woo - Happy happy :)