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This is a page about my frendie charlie :)

Hehe,i asked Charlie to descirbe himself for the site.. and he did so here go's.. Charlie Describes himself as ...

"16 years old, lives in bearwood, huge muscles, amazing hair, nice arse, gr8 kisser"

Then he go's No just kidding and gives me a propa one. . .

"16 years old, lives in bearwood, aint 2 confident with girls unfortunately, um... kind, and polite"

Awww bless him :P Charlie is also a christian and his religion and god mean a lot to him, inspired by lydia hes becoming a betta christian and helping me do so aswell :)

In my opinion charlie is a cool frend and is a gr8 laugh and fun to tlk to, i tell charlie practically everything cos hes so gr8 at listening and giving advice :)

*** Charlie.. AKA...Steroid and cheeeky charlie ***

PIccies of this wonderfull Guy

This is a piccy of charlie or charles *smile*


** Cheeky Charlie **

What are ur opinions on this guy lol ?

Send me an email lol!

cos im sure we'd both love to hear ur opinions :P

Charlies Nicknames . . .

Why is charlie called these nicknames? Well sum1 in his class started the rumour tht he took steroids and it kinda stuck very very very much so and thts it  . . .

* * *  RANDOM BIT  * * *

Click on it to see a profile of charlie

Click For More Pictures CHARLIES MUSCLES!!

Lol yehs. . . And why u may ask is charlie called "Cheeky Charlie?" well ladies i think u will just have to figure tht one out for urself ;).. cept u myte get killd by his brand new gurlfrend Wooo!!! :P